As Labor Day Weekend approaches, many people start asking about our plans and event schedule for next year. It's common for folks to begin organizing their goals and future races at this time. In 2024, we have an action packed lineup of top quality trail events - more than ever before! We have some exciting new opportunities along with our beloved established events. Without delay, here is our planned** schedule of events for 2024:
The Big Alta / Feb 24 & 25
50K & 28K / Marin County, California
Registration is open!
Siuslaw Dunes / March 16
50K, 20 miler, 12K / Oregon Coast
Registration opens Sept 20th
Gorge Waterfalls / April 12-14
100K, 50K, 30K / Columbia River Gorge
Registration opens Sept 15th
Tillamook Burn / May 10-12
50 miler, 50K, 20 miler / Oregon Coast Range
Registration opens October 5th
Cape Mountain / June 1 & 2
50K, 25K, 10K / Oregon Coast
Registration opens December 1st
Wy'east Trailfest / July 20 & 21
50K, 28K & 14K / Mt. Hood
Registration opens January 1st
Something NEW and big! / August 3-4
Details TBA soon!
Backcountry Rise / August 17 & 18
50K, 20 miler / Mt. St. Helens
Registration opens January 15th
Mt. Hood Trail Games / September 7
Trail Relay, Squad & Solo races / Mt. Hood
Registration opens Feb 15th
Perpetua Coast / October 5 & 6
50K, 20 miler & NEW Half Marathon / Oregon Coast
Registration opens March 1st
Rogue Gorge / October 19 & 20
50K, Half Marathon & 12K / Southern Oregon Cascades
Registration opens April 1st
**While this is what we are planning for, some event permitting is not yet finalized. That said, some dates may possibly change before we open registration. Future dates, race distances and courses vary sometimes based on venue availability, course conditions in prior years, as well as a variety of other limitations and considerations.
Photo credit: James Holk