Siuslaw Dunes 20 Miler

March 8, 2025

20 Miler

The 20 Miler is a wild point-to-point adventure offering magnificent views along open dunes, remote ocean beaches and forested single track trails. The course is very challenging but super fun, beginning with a shuttle bus ride from Honeyman State Park down to the forested campground start line, then an epic tour of one of the most unique regions of America’s Pacific Coast.

This is an incredibly diverse course and there is nothing else like it anywhere. Runners travel through an assortment of ecological zones, including lush old growth coastal rainforest, riverside estuaries, freshwater lakes, as well as a fascinating transition zone between the dunes and the ocean called the deflation plain, which teems with water-loving plants and animals.

Race Day Schedule

  • SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 2025

  • Bib Pickup & Check-In: 6:00AM-7:25AM (at East Woahink Day-Use Gazebo)

  • Shuttle Pick Up: Load up at 7:25AM; departs by 7:30AM

  • Shuttle Drop Off: 7:45AM at Tahkenitch Campground Day Use Area

  • Start Time: 8:00AM

  • Finish Line Cut-Off: 4:00PM (8 hours)

  • On Course Cutoffs:

    • 1:00PM at Waxmyrtle Aid Station #2 - mile 12.4

    • 3:00PM at Cleawox Aid Station #3 - mile 18.1

Course Map

  • MAP: Click on the course map image to open a high resolution copy. 

  • INTERACTIVE MAP: Click HERE for an interactive course map in Caltopo.

  • GPX DATA: Click HERE for a .gpx data file of course.

Elevation Change

The course includes approximately 1400' of ascent along with 1400' of descent. Most of the elevation gain is seen during the first three miles of the race, but the rolling nature of the opens dunes section between Aid Station 2 and 3 will take its toll.

Course Surfaces

Terrain types alternate continuously throughout the race, presenting a unique challenge that will demand a runner’s attention and fitness. For example, over a given 5 mile stretch, a runner could see a mile of beach, then a mile sandy trail, cross a patch of open dunes, then enter 2 miles of forested singletrack trail, and so on. The sand dune sections are more firm after consistent rains, and more loose following extended dry weather and/or windy conditions.

Overall, the 20 Miler consists of the following surface types and approximate mileage totals by type:

  • 7.7 miles of intermittent sandy trail in rolling shore pine forest (mix of firm surface in forest, loose/soft surface where unforested/exposed)

  • 6.5 miles of intermittent forested dirt single track (classic dirt trail with some roots and rocks)

  • .7 miles of ocean beach, (mostly firm wet sand, very flat)

  • 4.3 miles of open dunes in one main segment (flat areas and descents are pretty runnable, climbs are soft and brutal!)

  • 1.0 miles of intermittent hard surface park paths, park lawn and forest road shoulder

Aid Stations

There are three aid stations staffed with enthusiastic volunteers offering tasty fuel: Neversecond gels and hydration drink, water, soda, bananas, oranges, chips, PB&J sandwiches, and more. All Daybreak races are cupless, so be sure to bring your own cup for liquid at aid stations. 

Aid Station Total Distance (mi) To Next Aid (mi) Toilet Drop Bag Crew Access Cutoff
Start - Tahkenitch Campground 0 6.5 Yes -- No --
#1 - Tahkenitch Creek 6.5 5.9 Yes No Yes --
#2 - Waxmyrtle 12.4 5.7 Yes No Yes 1:00PM
#3 - Cleawox Lake 18.1 2.1 Yes No Yes 3:00PM
Finish - Honeyman State Park - East Woahink 20.2 -- Yes -- Yes 4:00PM


Crew are welcome at all aid stations and the Finish area but NOT at the Start Line.

Crew Access at Aid Stations:

  • Tahkenitch Creek: Park at the Tahkenitch Creek Trailhead. Display your NW Forest Pass or daily parking pass on your vehicle. NO CELL SERVICE available.

  • Waxmyrtle: Parking at Stagecoach Trailhead, a short walk from the aid station. There is a Forest Service day use fee (or display your NW Forest Pass). Limited cell service available (Only Verizon works here).

  • Cleawox: Parking is at the Sand Dunes Day Use parking area at Honeyman State Park. There is a $5 parking fee upon entrance to the parking area. Cell service is fair here.

Drop Bags

Drop bags are not available for the 20 Mile.


The event permit does not allow pacers.

Course Detail By Section: 

Start to Aid Station 1 (Tahkenitch Creek): From the start, runners follow the Tahkenitch Dunes Trail and Three Mile Lake Trail (both are National Recreation Trails) for 3 miles of hilly, blissful mature forest singletrack. After a few miles, the course exits the forest for more sandy shore pine trail sections, turning north following a very challenging rolling dunes trail segment. Veer LEFT at a signed junction, now on Tahkenitch Creek Trail on a mix of flowing, forested dirt singletrack for 1.5 miles, then veer RIGHT at a junction for a quarter mile out-n-back section for Tahkenitch Creek Aid Station 1. Vault toilet on site.

Aid Station 1 (Tahkenitch Creek) to Aid Station 2 (Waxmyrtle Campground): Departing Tahkenitch Creek Aid Station, runners return the way they came on the short out-n-back, veering RIGHT at the junction and onto a trail to the creek crossing where runners can opt to wade across or ride the river raft ferry, then north across the sandy Oregon Dunes Loop Trail, then continue straight onto a 2 mile section of rolling dunes between Carter Lake and the ocean shore, then turn LEFT onto Carter Dunes Trail out to the beach, then turn RIGHT onto the beach for a .70 miles stretch to Waxmyrtle Trail, then along Waxmyrtle Trail for a littler over a mile to Waxmyrtle Aid Station. Portable toilets on site.


Always keep an eye on the ocean and NEVER turn your back on the water so you won’t be caught off guard if a bigger wave surges up the beach. These “sneaker waves” are unpredictable, powerful and can easily knock adults off their feet.

Stay away from logs on the beach or in the surf. The logs absorb water like sponges, increasing their weight by up to several tons. The ocean is strong enough to pick up even the heaviest log and roll it over you.

Aid Station 2 (Waxmyrtle Campground) to Aid Station 3 (Cleawox Lake): Runners depart the Waxmyrtle Aid Station, cross the paved road onto the Lagoon Trail skirting Lagoon Campground, then a short quarter mile segment of paved forest road to reach Incinerator Trailhead and begin a hilly, forested sandy trail. Follow the sandy trail for 3/4 mile, passing a cool viewpoint above Siltcoos River along the way, before entering the main 4 mile open dunes section of the course. Runners follow a northerly route following our course markings across the open dunes and are immediately greeted with spectacular, sweeping views of the famous Oregon Dunes. The course follows a series of wooden Forest Service sign posts, indicating the boundary between non-motorized use and motorized use. Please keep these sign posts on your left, so you remain in the non-motorized area. Use an efficient running stride on the sand dunes so you aren’t wasting precious energy pushing off. After 4 miles on the dunes, you’ll see Cleawox Lake, and know you’ve completed all the sandy sections of the race! The course then descends down the last dune to Sand Dunes Day-Use parking area next to Cleawox Lake at Honeyman State Park. Park bathrooms and crew access on site.

Aid Station 3 (Cleawox Lake) to Finish (East Woahink Day Use at Honeyman State Park): Departing Cleawox Aid Station, veer right to skirt the parking lot and enter a groomed park trail that crosses the Honeyman State Park campground road, then onto a bike path bridge over Highway 101. Shortly after the highway crossing, runners continue along the bike path, then on a mix of groomed park paths and dirt singletrack trails for half a mile before exiting onto the maintained, open park lawn peninsula of East Woahink Lake Day Use Area. Follow the course flagging to skirt the perimeter of the park peninsula for the final half mile to the finish line at East Woahink gazebo, where we’ll be cheering with your friends and families!


See the Daybreak Racing Cancellation Policy.

This event is granted by a Special Use Permit through the Siuslaw National Forest, U.S. Forest Service and Oregon State Parks. In accordance with State and Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.  The State of Oregon and USDA are equal opportunity providers and employers.