Gorge Waterfalls
Media Pass Information
Gorge Waterfalls Media Credentials Request
Thank you for your interest in covering the Gorge Waterfalls trail runs. Please read the terms and conditions below, then complete and submit the form at the bottom of the page to request press credentials for the 2024 race. If you are part of a coverage team, each other member must also complete this form.
Terms & Conditions
1. Qualifications
Daybreak Racing and Freetrail shall provide media credentials for members of the Working Press, Freelance Media and a limited number of Special Projects:
Working Press: Individuals who are in the business of newsgathering as their primary source of revenue. Members of the working press are defined as those who are full-time, paid employees or representatives of known and established media organizations, including newspapers, magazines, wire services, television stations, radio stations, and websites.
Freelance Media: Individual journalists, photographers, videographers, or Internet reporters who are on a specific assignment from a known, established media organization.
Special Projects: Individuals or groups who are involved in the creation of any project, no matter what medium, including but not limited to documentaries, student projects, feature films, festival films, and personal projects following an individual runner.
Media credentials will not be granted for:
Individuals who accept payment for stock photographs, footage, images, general event coverage or content. Credentials will not be issued to those involved in commercial activity or ventures soliciting gifts or donations, unless written consent and specific approval is obtained from Daybreak Racing and Freetrail.
Individuals who use personal accounts to provide ongoing general event coverage, whether for profit, for donations or otherwise.
All applicants must complete the Gorge Waterfalls Media Credential Request Form below, which includes a section to detail coverage plans. All Special Projects must be prepared to submit a synopsis, talent/crew list, distribution plan, and budget, if requested. Access to certain areas may require additional information.
2. Application Deadline
Applications for all media categories, along with requested supplementary documentation must be submitted by March 31 prior to the event weekend. Use the form below to apply.
3. Approval Process
All media request submissions will receive an email confirmation of approval or denial by April 1 prior to event weekend. Approved media requests will receive notification via email with further instructions. Receipt of credentials in prior years does not guarantee credentials for this event. Credentials must be picked up in person with a least one form of identification in Marine Park on Thursday or Friday of race week at the Daybreak Racing finish line tent, unless prior arrangements have been made.
4. Credential Usage
Gorge Waterfalls media passes and credentials are non-transferable and may not be provided to another person. Non-credentialed individuals may not accompany credentialed pass holders on the course or aid stations. The media pass must be carried by the person named on the credential at all times during the Event. Daybreak Racing and Freetrail race officials reserve the right to revoke credentials at any time.
5. Credential Access
Credentials grant access to the following event locations:
Pre-race activities;
Starting line outside the corral/chute;
Aid stations on the course that are open to runners’ crews ONLY. Review crew access and parking information on each race webpage for clarification.
Sidewalk area of the race course between Marine Park and Bridge of the Gods in Cascade Locks.
Finish line area outside the corral/chute.
6. General Coverage, Policies
All credential holders must observe the following rules:
Observe any added instructions included with the credential when issued. It is the credentialed media’s responsibility to be familiar with all issued instructions.
Keep a respectful distance from any scene of a medical emergency. In the case of a severe injury, or any case requiring rescue or evacuation, efforts will be undertaken by Event personnel using standard protocols. Do not release images or descriptions of these situations or the names of those affected without the specific permission of the Event Director or their designated on-site manager.
Keep a respectful distance from participants and volunteers. People need adequate personal space to feel safe, focused and carry out their task. Media shall not encumber others.
Respect and adhere to any directions or restrictions from event staff, aid station captains and aid station personnel. Such instructions are not subject to negotiation, appeal, or arbitration.
Do not provide aid or act as a crew for any runner entered in the race; failure to comply will result in immediate disqualification of the runner.
Accredited media who fail to adhere to the above guidelines will have their credentials confiscated and will lose their privileges to cover our events in the future.
7. Photographers
As a condition of accreditation, images and footage may not be sold to third parties. All photographs taken at the event are solely for use by the organization for which an individual is credentialed, unless they are otherwise given written consent by Daybreak Racing and Freetrail.
The use of such photographs for advertising or any other commercial or merchandising purposes, such as books, posters, cards or in any medium or manner whatsoever without prior written consent of Daybreak Racing and Freetrail is prohibited.
Drones. No one except FAA-licensed event staff shall operate a drone for any purpose associated with the event.
Credentials Request Form
Acknowledgement: Special thanks to the Western States Endurance Run, from whom this policy was modeled.
This event is located on the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.